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The i3D is the ultimate 3D photographic image creator that manipulates your iSight Camera functions to the max and beyond. With its landscape view, it creates stunning panoramic photographs in sharp HDR (High Dynamic Resolution).

The 3D images require no external devices to view the 3D effect, and can be viewed on any screen with a minimum 136-by-640-pixel resolution at 326 ppi, and a contrast ratio of 800:1 for best results.

From one single exposure, the image is separated onto its unique three layers which are manipulated by the distancing focus sensors within the app. Operation is linear which ensures all images are perfect every time with freedom to add visual effects to the exposed image. The main input from the photographer is to ensure the subject area has a suitable foreground, mid ground, and background within the frame.

The i3D is a highly creative photographic imaging tool for the discerning photographer that wants to take their photography to the next dimension.


List of features


Perspective control

Close, medium, and distant focus sensors

Exposure control

Aperture priority

Depth of focus control

Editing suite

Image stabilization

Smart filters


Social media sharing



Overview of i3D

Controls and settings

Image composition

Layer controls

Editing suite

Smart filters

Expose and save image

Social media sharing



Device Requirements

iOS7. iPhone 5S or later. Minimum lens resolution and speed: 8-megapixel iSight Camera with 1.5ยต pixels and fast f2.2 lens.


Photo & Video (iTunes App Store): Photography (Mac App Store).

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For more information on the i3D and other products

Please enter your information in the form below:

First Name:

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Email Address:

Telephone (000.000.0000):

Photographic experience level

Beginner Intermediate Professional

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